sparkling star page divider
You can look at some of my art here. Click on any image to view it full screen and see more information.
I started drawing other people's Minecraft characters back in 6th grade and have been making art since. I have worked in all kinds of media and styles since then, but I tend to fall back to digital art and character design. I don't think I really have a consistent style or subect to my drawings anymore, but I've been working on it. As of most recent, I've been developming my character Bass Drop. She's a wolf and she listens to Skrillex and she's BADASS !!!!! fire gif fire gif fire gif fire gif fire gif
Here are some recent digital pieces
Here are some recent traditional pieces
Since you've made it this far, I guess you can take a look at some of those old Minecraft drawings I mentioned... yeah...
This is the original Bass Drop + some other fun characters! This is from aronud late 2013 or early 2014 I think.
sparkling star page divider
spinning globe gif